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Jon Stewart and Peter King talk the Eric Garner no bill verdict

“To look on the bright side, it looks like we are going to save ourselves a poopload of money on cop camera vests.” Jon Stewart on a full video of a cop killing an unarmed black man and it making no difference.

Jon stewart and eric gardner

Have we got our Republican congressional KINGS mixed up again? Wasn’t the one from New York suppose to be reasonable and the one from Iowa the silly clown?

Now hold it. When it comes to violent solutions both Steve King and Peter King do go hand and hand.

Wait a minute. When it comes to violent solutions – war, executions, guns, police brutality, slapping children around all Republicans go hand and hand.

Of course Peter King is best known for his support of the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War and hopes for a war in both Syria and Iran. He also is our top supporter of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and more building on the West Bank. Peter King is a good Christian Irish Catholic who has God on his side, so lighten up. He is also thinking about running for president.

“If he had not had asthma and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this. The police had no reason to know he was in serious condition.” New York White Republican Congressman Peter King defends NY police in Eric Garner death.

Eric Garner said he could not breath loudly to the cops eleven fking times!

And just a few days before that we had the same Peter King telling President Obama to invite Darrin Wilson to the White House and apologize to him.

“I think it would be very helpful if President Obama went and met with the police officer, or invited him to the White House and said, ‘You’ve gone through four months of smear and slander, and the least we can do is tell you that it’s unfortunate that it happened and thank you for doing your job,’” New York White Republican Congressman Peter King defends NY police in Michael Brown death.

But on the bright side we did hear this from former black RNC Chairman

“A black man’s life isn’t worth a ham sandwich.” Michael Steele

But of all the quotes this week in race relations, I think it was Morning Joe Scarborough – who without intending to – made it all too perfectly clear when he angrily shouted at the cameras in defense of Darrin Wilson:

“AND 95% OF AMERICANS AGREE WITH ME!” Joe Scarborough defending Darrin Wilson who killed the unarmed Michael Brown.

Leaving out the word WHITE without a second thought. Like African Americans don’t even count in Joe Scarborough’s world. It’s a reiteration of what Rush Limbaugh explained so well long ago on the politics of American race relations.

“They only make up 12% of the population so who the Hell cares.” Rush Limbaugh.