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King Mitt and Queen Ann Romney not sure what to call YOU PEOPLE

queen ann romeny and your people
This issue won’t go away. It is the same issue that cost George Herbert Bush the 1992 election and John Kerry the 2004 election. With the Romney’s its even worse. It is not just a fo-pah at a grocery store or a picture on a wind surfer, this is deep, encompassing the totality of THESE PEOPLE.  They have nothing in common with the rest of us. Ann the mother, with a gang of maids and nannies and tutors and Cadillacs and chauffeurs… Mitt with car elevators, and Swiss bank accounts… It cannot be argued away, it is something immutable. Born THAT way. But they are very VERY white, they like assault rifles with 100 round clips and love Jesus (who is from upstate New York and now lives on planet Kolob). So he should win no matter. US PEOPLE will just have to learn to eat cake.