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Michelle Bachmanns Son Joins Americorps Commie Youth Brainwashing Organization!

Poor Michelle. She’s obviously been unaware of several important facts. First, Americorps has been helping people for several years,both those who volunteer for a college fund, and those to whom they provide services. It was only just given a
financial boost by President Obama which was enough to set her on her campaign to warn the villagers! Secondly, she is unaware of what they do, preferring to view them as a Communist brainwashing organization, preparing the youth of
America to go forth and do the bidding of the dark side of the government, a Hitler Youth, if you will. She doesn’t realize that she IS on the dark side. Third and most importantly, by some miracle, she raised an obviously great son, Harrison Bachmann who had failed to inform her that long before she’d started her tirade, he’d signed his life away to Americorps in their Teach for America program. The weather at Casa Bachmann is predicted to be frosty to frigid!
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Watch WORST to see comedian Christian Finnegan join Keith to discuss this, how Sammy Hagar might handle a similar situation, and the future of Rick Santorum, who is tossing his hat into the smallest ring possible, the better to be heard for his presidential bid in 2012. We hope his sexual education has expanded since he last expounded upon homosexuality and dogs.