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Interview with Town Hall Go to Hell Wingnut Craig Miller 31 Czars!

Well here you have it, Craig Miller, the face of the Town Hall Meeting wingnuts. As if we didn’t already know the who and what of this.  Though MSNBC did name a few of Craig’s disabilities they did fail to mention his brain went missing sometime back.

Mr. Miller immediately jumps into the Right-wing Wingnut mode by repeating the "31 Czars!" refrain which has become the talk radio code words for – Negroes and friends of Negroes taking America away from very very stupid White people. It refers to a Black President appointing people to oversee various facets of government policy as have all previous White Presidents.

Next this hopelessly inarticulate boob gives us the coup de grace leaving no doubt of where his head is at. He names the four people he does not trust [who like Senator Specter are due for eternal damnation]: Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi,  Barney Frank and Steny Hoyer. A Negro, a chick, a queer and a Democrat. So much for it being non partisan frustration as the media wants us to believe –  after all, just as many Republicans buy Twinkies as Democrats.

Then comes the inherent ignorance and bigotry that drives these people. That convoluted and meaningless Looneytarian/Militia crap about freedom, liberty and the constitution which all comes down them not wanting their tax money going to Lazy Negroes, Uppity chicks, Fags and those who do not speak English properly. Which of course is all boldly highlighted in The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and of course, the Bible.

We have idiots like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, a wholes like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, swastikas now being painted Democratic Congressman’s doors, guns carried into a President’s town meeting; we have pushing, shoving and now the screaming about Baby Murderers… I am torn.

On the surface it makes the Republican Party look like a gang of racist morons, good for elections down the road.

But on the other hand all this anger, dishonesty, ignorance and bigotry works quite well on stupid people, and in the recession that is about the only thing we have an over abundance of.

I read today about a boycott of Travelocity for sponsoring Glenn Beck. I wonder… Isn’t his face being ever branded into the GOP a good thing for America?