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Stephen Colbert, Rand Paul & Bob Davis worst of the NRA whores

“It should be noted that being shot in the head by a lunatic does not give one any special grace to pronounce upon public policy questions.” National Review Kevin Williamson

rand paul at howard universityBut a right-wing columnist in the pocket of the NRA writing for the Right-wing National Review does.

Tea Party God Senator Rand Paul does show  his altruism by saying how sensitive he is to his own feelings.

“I’m sorry that you suffered a tragedy but you know what? Deal with it and don’t force me to lose my liberty which is a greater tragedy than you loss.” Republican talk show host Bob Davis to Newtown Parents.

Bob Davis’ liberty to buy a gun from a gun show with out signing a form is worse than having your 6 year old child shot 11 times. Mangled to such a degree the authorities had to hold off the names because  it was so hard identifying the SIX YEAR OLD. Gosh…

But wait, this Republican Gun Enthusiast has more to say…

I’m sick and tired of seeing these victims trotted out, given rides on Air Force One, hauled into the Senate well and everyone is just afraid, they’re terrified of these victims. I would stand in front of them and tell them ‘GO TO HELL!'” Bob Davis Republican Talk Show host to the Parents of Newtown.

Gun Enthusiasts: Bob Davis, Klebold and Harris, Ted Nugent, Adam Lanza, Wayne LaPierre, 46 Republican Senators, James Holmes, 4 Democratic Senators, Seung-Hui Cho… All of which, ALL OF WHICH were LAWFUL GUN OWNERS.

And this is the face of not only gun enthusiasts, the NRA and the Tea Party, but also the Republican Party