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Ted Cruz renounces Canadian Citizenship, Stephen Colbert

It is now time for Ted Cruz to do something unCanadian like pay for his own health insurance

ted cruz joe mccarthyLast weekend the Texas Republican Convention not only went ballistic on Hispanics [immigration roundup], Gays [reparative therapy & Governor Perry comparing homosexuality to alcoholism] and African Americans [Immediate repealĀ of Obamacare] but saw Ted Cruz win the Presidential straw poll with 41% of the vote followed by Ben Carson with 11%.

Harvard Law School graduate Ted Cruz is presently working very hard on drawing up the arguments and legal briefs for the coming impeachment of Barack Obama after the GOP takes the Senate come November. COUNT ON IT.

This political impeachment could be more successful for the GOP than their last one. After all, just this month Obama’s poll numbers sank to new all time lows because the American people have decided Bowe Bergdahl is a coward deserter on hearsay, and that Iraq is exploding without any Americans being killed or maimed.