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Trump on Brexit pt 2 – John Oliver

Trump on Brexit  pt 2  - John Oliver

John Oliver has been giving fair warning of the dangers inherent in Britain voting to leaving the EU, although many British citizens are now experiencing buyer’s remorse, and would love a do-over please. It’s sadly apparent that many who voted for the split didn’t do their homework, but were swept away by promises from ‘charismatic leaders’ Ironically, google received the largest volume of  searches from Britain concerning the EU, the day AFTER the vote. At the same time, Donald Trump brilliantly addressed the world on the outcome of the vote…Saying “Britain has their country back!”

We have been warned here in the U.S. by a highly agitated Oliver.

“And you may think that’s not going to happen to us, we’re not going to listen to some ridiculously-haired buffoon, peddling lies and nativism in the hopes of riding a protest vote into power. Well let Britain tell you, it CAN happen and when it does, there are no f****ing DO overs!”