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10 Signs you may have fallen into a Tea Party Two Bagger Rally

10 Signs you may have fallen into a Tea Party Rally

1) Are there large posters of a black man portrayed as Adolph Hitler?

2) Is everyone older than you are?

3) Does everyone weigh more than you?

4) Are most people dressed in stupid patriotic flag clothes?

5) Is the only black person you can find carrying an assault rifle, a sword and dressed up as a Klingon?

6) Do you hear discussions on how smart Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are?

7) Can you find no one you could possible date?

8) When questioned about their slogans do they sound even dumber than they look?

9) Is the best celebrity catch they can get Steven Baldwin?

10) Have you suddenly become the best looking person in view and feel your IQ has shot up 50 points?

If so, keep your mouth shut as these very kind of blog posts are garnering death threats from these Tea Party Two Baggers. VIDEO: Teabag Taliban threatens life of cartoonist Mark Fiores for video How to Speak Tea Bag