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156 Republicans Vote to Sustain Bush’s S-CHIP Veto – GOP Coffin Closing Fast

George Bush and 156 Republicans in the House today nailed one of the last spikes into the GOP coffin. A few more nails are sure to be added before all is said and done next November 5th. This vote, as with most everything the Bush Administration and his Congressional Base has done, is based upon right-wing ideology rather than serving this nation or its people. S-Chip veto override

It is not this issue alone but most every issue they set voice, pen or vote to. Whether it’s health care, foreign policy, war, another war, global warming, tax relief for the wealthy, wire tapping, education, civil rights, torture and now even most people having had enough of this 911 crap, they are on the wrong side of just about everything. All because of an ideology which is consumed by the evils of "government run", "socialized", and "socialism" as they pander to "private enterprise", "military patriotism", "fear" and the bastardization of American Christianity.

All those successful sound bites of the past generation have begun to ring sour on most American ears. The GOP has now lost most Independents, moderates and the under 30 voters. Since Katrina the lost what little they had left of their African American base, and since the growing anti-immigration Gestapo have shifted the Hispanic vote from 60% Democrat to closing in on 80%. They are even losing not only their rank and file Republicans, but a growing number of those in the GOP leadership. All they have left is their Base, a 30% mix of fundamentalist Christians, Evangelical Capitalists and NRA Life Members.

Their only chance seems to be playing on the same emotions they have won with in the past; fear, nationalist and military patriotism and aligning themselves with God. Utilizing Republican Radio and Television hosts to push their propaganda and play their dirty tricks.

The only winning issue they have any longer is anti-immigration which in the long run is going to only drive a few more nails into the GOP coffin as Hispanics are no longer fooled as to what that is all about. No matter anyone’s bleating otherwise.