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40 Open Carry Texans Bully, Intimidate 4 Women at Restaurant Lawrence O’Donnell

40 Open Carry Texans Use Automatic Weapons to Bully, Intimidate 4 Women in Restaurant. Lawrence O'Donnell

When four Dallas women, ‘Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense’ met at a local restaurant, 40 armed members of ‘Open Carry Texans’ waited for two hours, weapons in hand, for them to come out into the parking lot.

The pro-gun group was fully equipped with menacing assault weapons visible and in hand. Ironically, one of the issues “Moms Demand Gun Sense” would like to address, is the law that makes carrying a handgun illegal, but allows the carrying of high powered battle rifles.

Was the heavily armed crowd overreacting, or are these four women going to grab all the guns?! Just what is their agenda?

An Open Letter to Gun Goons:

The unreasonable Moms Demand Gun Sense have an agenda, but you gun lovers shouldn’t sweat it.
1. They believe gun laws should be tightened up.
Don’t worry boys, you’ll still be able to buy guns illegally at gun shows. So what if a few dangerous criminals and terrorists also purchase theirs, this is freedom!
2. They want background checks to be enforced. (See #1)
3. You can still proudly walk around with your gun. They just want you to pocket the bullets – in the mall, theater, court…Places where an explosion would be unwelcome.                                                                                                    4. They believe it’s an upside-down world when you can carry big guns openly in public, but not your handguns. I told you they were on your side. Just leave the big boomer at home in case of war, invasion from space or a Sasquatch sighting nearby.
Now that you know they’re not out to grab your man stick, can we chill? The crowd, which included small children was so menacing that the manager of the restaurant was afraid to call police for fear of inciting a riot!

Lastly, if you were honest, you’d admit that you were out there having stupid fun bullying those people with your guns.(wow impressive!) Postings on Facebook bear it out, and posed photos that make you look like a harmless cheer and rally squad do nothing to mitigate the dangerous stupidity of your ’cause.’