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4th of July Ugly Americans of Murrieta California

4th of July Ugly Americans of Murrieta California On the birthday of the USA I watch these nasty white people in Murrieta and finding myself embarrassed to be an American. Can’t we do a class action lawsuit against these ugly Americans for dragging “USA” into the dirt with them? Screaming at little kids on a bus. How are these people any different than the ones we see in old black and white newsreels from the Sixties yelling NWORDS at little black kids wanting to go to school?  Or little different than the same butt ugly people at the Bundy Ranch or screaming at women in front of abortion clinics and Gay funerals. It’s the same ugliness.

The elephant in this room – which even MSNBC fails to address – is that these children are being moved to process centers to be returned across the border. These ugly Americans are out showing just how ugly they are no matter the ends or the means.

The Tea Party is often said to be hard to define, but there are two overwhelming common denominators. The resentment of losing their White Anglo Saxon Christian supremacy and the guns. Immigration and all programs perceived as helping African Americans are what drives them into all this purple faced anger we see here. For they know they are losing the war politically, culturally, socially and religiously, it’s what the guns are for.    

BTW, the Tea Party does have a leader. His name is Ted Cruz. He is a charismatic leader who has a passionate following that cannot be ignored. We could call it a cult if it did not include tens of millions of nitwits. Cruz has won most every GOP presidential straw poll by double digits and will be leading the arguments and briefs for the coming Spring Impeachment. He will also be the top choice in the 2016 GOP primaries suffereing the Republican Establishment having to deal with another horrendous and historic Goldwater defeat.