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4th of July Making America Great Again!

4th of July Making America Great Again!

4th of July Making America Great Again!“Executions in the small towns bring families by mule, wagon and by foot as far as 100 miles with food and drink to enjoy themselves in these the largest crowds of the year. Simon disapproves of public executions, which are unhealthily exciting and produce bloodthirsty fancies in the weaker-minded part of the population.”

That from a book I read last night written in 1850. No matter the book as old crummy books are not read anymore. But for me it explained the Trump phenomenon from a time when putting words together was more of a formal art than today.

Then just this morning I read an Op Ed piece by Republican moderate David Brooks explaining that Trump voters vote against their own self interest – and for someone they know to be a bigoted narcissistic buffoon – because THE GOVERNMENT tells them they shouldn’t smoke, their children have to wear helmets on a bike and they have to wear seat belts. There you have it. Which is even dumber than voting for Trump because they don’t like any skin shade darker than theirs’ or who have names with too many vowels.

Oh the lengths we will go to deny our Trump voting friends and family are not the bigots and racists they are. No, it’s not our family member or friend, it’s that guy over there ’round the bend.

Brooks, The Media, Republicans and Trump voters all fail at getting to the truth of the matter which  the rest of us know damn well because each of us have had our own dark hours thinking and feeling the same way these miscreants to. But unlike them, we have the intellect, the education, the good intentions and the moral high ground to overcome it by rejecting that area of the dark heart that to see it for not only what it is, what it accomplishes and where it leads.