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55 Degrees at Winter Olympics today! Global Warming Proved!

There you have it, from the very same reasoning that Talk Radio, Fox News and the Republican Party have declared the Washington Blizzard was proof positive that Global Warming is a hoax a lie and joke! That scientists are stupid and right-wing nabobs of negativism are smart. In less than a year Fox News, Talk radio and Americas’ finest intellectuals such as Senator Inofe, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are yukking it up with that extra BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHA over their anecdotal evidence of snow excess in one place for one week putting an end to the hoax of Global Warming once and for all.

You know, it was just two years ago that smart people around the world, came to understand that even though the American people are well traveled –  to both Nashville and Orlando – their parochialism causes them to take the word of Republicans over scientists. Knowing that there is little if any  different in that than the majority of Americans denying evolution, that they had to change the name of the process from the real and specific concept of GLOBAL WARMING to the more general term CLIMATE CHANGE. Smart people know that stupid people look out the window to make most of their their decisions, just as Sarah Palin has regarding Russia. Americans LOVED THAT!

In less than a year the GOP has managed to get the majority of people to switch their views on Climate Change from real to bullcrap. Such things as:

2009 was the warmest year on record
2000-2009 was the warmest decade or record
All glaziers are in accelerated retreat
The famous Northwest Passage is open!
Siberia, Alaska and Canada are losing huge amounts of permafrost and expelling methane
Climate patterns are changing causing more intense storms, moisture, drought and fires

Do not matter! If God wants climate change then it is our job to lean back and enjoy it. After all, as the Muslim terrorists tell us, GOD IS GREAT! Well it isn’t all God of course, a good share of this ignorance is driven by keeping the planet livable could cause MY TAXES TO GO UP!

It is very hard for Americans to understand these things while hiding in the dark under their beds from a  few shackled Muslims. Oblivious to the fact that all the crap running down their legs is adding to global warming.