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99ers Occupy Wall Street Music Video

Good slide show! But watch those NINES! Lennon, Cain and Occupy.

This brought to my attention a few big differences between Teabaggers and The 99ers.

The TeaBaggers named themselves after a gay sex act and get in a hissy fit when called TeaBaggers. 99ers don’t care what they are called.

The TeaBaggers are old, fat and white. 99ers are young, thin and colorful.

The TeaBaggers bring guns. The 99ers bring drums.

The TeaBaggers are regimented into specific areas in scooters and lawn chairs while the 99ers are footloose and fancy free.

But what it mostly comes down to (other than religious intolerance and racism) is TeaBaggers blame the poor 47% us for all our troubles while the 99ers blame the rich 1%. Which asks the question… How many poor people bundled B rated mortgages into derivatives and sold them as AAA ratings? TO OUR 401 AND MUTUAL FUND MANAGERS!