Gold Michele Bachmann. The Republican/Teabagger /nut job from Minnesota is speaking out for BP, and the unfairness of it all. According to Bachmann, BP shouldn’t be made into "chumps" or "fleeced for perpetual unemployment." That
makes one person outside of the company who feels protective and nurturing toward B.P. Why do I get the feeling
that she cares a lot less about protecting the giant oil company, than she does about smearing President Obama with her ridiculous comments?
Silver: It’s Rush Limbaugh lumbering over the ropes to taking over for his teammate Glenn Beck, in the World Federation on-air Windbag tag team event! The object seems to be to get away with the most puerile imitations, jokes, and outright lies and insults of the first family! Both have sworn that it’s best to leave the children out
of such personal insults. They may agree outwardly,but their behavior shows zero commitment. If your skin doesn’t crawl when you hear Limbaugh’s crude imitation of President Obama’s daughter Malia, it’s time for a check-up.
Bronze: The award goes to Italy’s comedian Daniele Luttazzi. Luttazzi is accused in ‘Italian News Daily of stealing over 500 jokes! While it’s claimed that there is no new art, perhaps Lutazzi should have changed the jokes a bit more.There is a long list of comedians he’s "sampled" ,including but certainly not limited to; George Carlin, Lewis Black, David Letterman, and Sarah Silverman.