Larry Wilmore puts President Obama’s N-word drop in complete and hilarious perspective. If you only see one (more) report on the much-discussed word drop, this is the one to see – I promise, or double your money back. By now you’re overly aware that President Obama “dropped the N-word” as they say, while guesting on Marc (color him happy) Maron’s podcast Sunday.
By now, every pundit and alleged newscaster has weighed in, judged and speculated. Sean Hannity and his accomplice solemnly prepared their audience for the clp; “President Obama used some strong language that may offend some viewers” – while they appeared to be highly offended themselves. Others described the word as ‘electric’ and ‘highly charged.’ Larry joked that we can solve the energy crisis. Forget wind power, we have ‘N Power!’
Anyone with a fifth grade reading skills – in advanced countries outside the U.S., can understand the context in which President Obama used the word. Did someone mention Fox? The network wins Best of Show for assinine remarks in this dust-up. Fox and Friends let ‘Legs’ speak for all three when she wondered aloud:.“I think many people are wondering if it is only there that he would say it – and not at a State of the Union, or in a public address.” This is my personal favorite of the Fox comments. Larry quipped, “It’s not as if he suddenly got black hiccups, and can’t stop saying the word once it’s out.” Indeed, we’ve never been able to take this President anywhere, he has been a continual international embarrassment. That was irony folks – and deja vu. Oh, but there is more from Fox ‘news’ – this opinion got more traction.
“He has really dragged in the gutter speech of rap music. He’s the first President of Rap, of Street.” This, according to Deneen Borelli, a black Fox contributor? An incredulous Wilmore asks Borelli if she really thinks rappers made the word up!
The word has history of course, and President Obama is not the first president to use the term, just the first to use it in public, and in a harmless context. Larry plays the actual clips of Presidents Nixon and LBJ using the word with abandon…And keep this under your hat, but they may not have been the first!