The personal, political and religious history of Robert Deal Jr is presented clearly in this NYT’s article, but wait, the NYT’s is part of the media, so to the Republican base – or better defined by Republican pollster Frank Luntz as working class underachievers – it doesn’t matter.
As Ted Cruz says, Robert Deal Jr is a Transgender liberal activist. Who ya gonna believe? The NY Times or Ted Cruz? Or Donald Trump? Or Rush Limbaugh? Or Steve Doocy.
Speaking of Steve Doocy, the other day he proved Donald Trump correct that thousands of Muslims were indeed cheering at tailgate parties because he saw the videos on TV too. And if that is not enough for you, The Donald said that HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of his fans emailed him to say they too saw thousands of tailgating Muslims cheering the towers going down. So that’s that. Dumbasses are right and the media is wrong.
Anyone remember the spitting on Vietnam Vets? That after 45 years of endless proof that it never happened, that there is no video, sound, written report, or more than one person in one place ever witnessing it, these same working class underachievers believe it no matter. Like the lie of evolution, the hoax of global warming, that the president is a Muslim born in Kenya, and suppy side economics fixes the disparity of wealth. It’s what they do. The truth would kill them.