Here, hear Jessica Williams a real piece of effectual journalism in personally going to Whitesboro, NY and engaging the people and the Mayor to explain that their silly stand against political correctness makes them all look like poop.
Of course political correctness is their enemy as it is with the Republican Party’s entire campaign which is based upon buying and carrying more guns, closing our borders, deporting Mexicans and carpet bombing Muslims.
I have been talking about political correctness here for 20 years on an almost daily basis trying to explain that though the PC police are mostly right which the future will bear out, it has done far more harm than good to our political system.
The backlash against political correctness created Reagan Democrats, it is what brought Rush Limbaugh to syndication which turned AM radio into an obnoxious right-wing propaganda machine. It was partly the impetus for Fox News and now we have an actual fascist clown on his way to the White House with his central theme being his war against political correctness. Hell, all of the 17 Republican candidates bring it up daily. Political correctness is about being nice which is the one thing Republicans must never seem to be in any context at all.
Here we are go into the next presidential election in which facts, issues, policy and even ideology no longer matter, it’s all attitude, with political correctness the centerpiece of the anger.