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Olbermann Worst: Bloomberg & Ray Kelly, Newt Gingrich child labor, Joe Walsh Occupy this.

Worst: Mayor Bloomberg & Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. The dream team has found a foolproof way of hiding the skeletons in their jam-packed closet – finger pointing and the magicians trick of distraction. When a scapegoat wanders into view, nobody is going to remember their little shenanigans, like spying on and attempting to infiltrate Muslim groups in NYC. Throw in an overblown terrorist plot and these two are patriots – via magical bullcookies!

Worser: Newt Gingrich GOP front runner. Also known as a ‘disgusting fat pig’ courtesy Don Imus; and "the most arrogant and unself-aware disgusting" pigman by Mika, which are strong words from that source.

It’s put the kids back to work year ! Newt knows how to put billions back into our broken piggy bank. Child labor laws of 120 years ago are archaic! There is no reason why unions cannot be broken in order to give children a chance to work. Today it is janitors, tomorrow the coal mines again. As you can see, liberals are whining, just as they do with any progressive ideas from the GOP intellectual. (pause for doomed laughter) In truth, I suspect that to the GOP, anything which distracts the eye from Newt’s past history of breaking every known rule of decency and morality while stuffing his pockets, is a welcome diversion.

Worse: Congressman Joe Walsh(deadbeat – ILL). Walsh, speaking for veterans – without prior approval, attacked the ‘socialist’ Occupy movement. I must stop judging Walsh harshly now. Surely it is his aversion to socialism which has prevented him from spreading the wealth, if only to his own offspring. Hail mighty capitalist, $117 thousand is a lot of socialism!