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Mika Brzezinski steaming over pompous pigman Gingrich!

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Those who have seen ‘Morning Joe’ know that Mika is the calm voice of reason, but today after Newt’s double header of brain farts, she couldn’t disguise her disgust. Claiming Obama is enabling shiftless hippies and ne’er do wells, Newt proclaimed that the Occupy protestors should all go home, take baths and get jobs. Way to go patriot, that’s the spirit of the founding dads! You have plenty of opportunity for free speech while you’re mining coal, or helping to frack for natural gas!

Top those gems with the brilliant and persistent plan of dismantling unions. This time it will enable children to clean their schools, instead of union janitors. Talk about your family values, nothing builds family unity like having young Jason or Jasmin – now free of child labor laws, bringing home the bacon! This, by the way is also his answer to poorly run schools. If they’re not learning anything, then why not take those jobs from their elders at less than half the wages? He is the idea guy, but he’s on Mika’s shucky darn list.