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Rick Santorum Blames Catholic sex scandals on Boston liberalism

I was doing some research on Rick Santorum bringing home the corpse of a premature baby for his children to play with when I came across one of those articles that just JUMP OUT at you with a big fat false premise.

In this case it was Atlantic Neo Con and Advice columnist Jeffery Goldberg arguing that it is not "weird" to bring a dead baby home for your children to mess around with, and in fact it is the right thing to do. At the core of his argument is that losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to a parent. Was Santorum ‘Weird’ For Bringing Home His Stillborn Baby?

No argument from me that losing a child is as bad as it gets. I have been around that. But "CHILD" is not about preemies who God – and I suppose Jesus – CHOSE TO ABORT. "Child" means a person parents have come to know and love, with a personality, and a name, and an address, and a smile, and a laugh… What would the obit say?  This is to announce that our unnamed child who was born dead was known for being… Wet and slippery. 

Republican: I am for freedom and liberty!
You: Ah! Good to know you support abortion and gay marriage! Hear! Here!
You: So you are one of those BIG GOVERNMENT people! Hear! Here!
You: When was the last time you made any f**king sense?