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Stephen Colbert interviews gay conservative Andrew Sullivan

I have never been able to understand how Blacks, Gays and ovulating women could possibly vote for Republicans who do as much as they can get away with not only denying them freedom and liberty, but also wanting to make them as miserable as possible.

The only answer I have to that is some humans are born with a genetic disposition to be selfish greedy dickheads. They can’t help it. As Lady GaGa says so well…

I noticed the message Sullivan was expressing last night in the STOFU speech. In fact I welled up many times in that hour. Not because of any policy advocacy – but because after three years of turning on the TV and seeing little other than Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, morons at town meetings, Birthers, Tea Parties and then a year of these GOP clowns running for president who are a great Christian contest to prove who is the dumbest most intolerant bigot on the stage on any given night – it was emotional to me to see a calm, kindly speaking, intelligent grown up say something on TV!