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A grinning Herman Cain blows smoke in your face Ad

Ever see an evil grin before, well here ya go!

So he gets the Evangelical Smokers vote! Nothing wrong with that.
In Herman Cain’s  defense. Though we can no longer smoke most anywhere beyond our home or car, there is nowhere we cannot carry a 9mm pistol with a 20 round clip of armor piercing rhino rounds. Well, that’s an exaggeration, we still can’t take our assault rifles into grade schools, though not for want of wanting to. Bottom line, cigarettes bad, guns good. Made in America.

Nothing better defines the Republican Party as having their candidate in the lead for President first be gold digger Sarah Palin, followed by batcrap crazy Michele Bachmann, then Birther nutcake Donald Trump, followed by Rick Perry who is even dumber the W. Bush and now perhaps the silliest clown to ever run for president in either party, Herman Cain.

The power of faith based religion is beyond comprehension for most of you blind Yankees!
Come on down and get a taste of it in the front row, it will knock yer socks off on just how stupid people can be.

With so little kindness, compassion or care for anyone else but themselves I am beginning to understand it’s not about God at all. It’s about still being mad as Hell about losing that war of Northern Aggression protecting the Constitution, States Rights, God and White Supremacy.