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A Message to Bernie or Bust Die-Hards from Seth Meyers – “HEY!”

 A Message to Bernie or Bust Die-Hards  from Seth Meyers - "HEY!"

Seth Meyers has some strong words for a certain faction of Bernie Sanders supporters who feel that their disappointment and passion for Bernie means never having to say ‘I’m voting for Hillary’ – even when Bernie begs them to do it!
As Seth pointed out, “there were more whites booing at the Democratic convention than in ‘The Casper Movie.'” We get it, you love Bernie – but destroying the Democratic party isn’t what he wants.

Bernie is not pleading with his peeps to vote for Hillary just to be nice.
Bernie knows that throwing your vote away takes us one step closer to having a racist demagogue in office. If nothing else, think of Bernie!  Seth is right. Bernie should be taking a well-earned vacation. He should be sitting on a stoop, drinking cream soda and yelling at people to use the trash can – if only his supporters would let him!  Instead, Bernie must campaign for Hillary until election day – just to get it the importance of electing Hillary through people’s heads.

Seth has much more to say to Bernie supporters.  He encourages them to be proud of the passion and support they’ve shown, and encourages them to move on.   For supporters wearing tape over their mouths to symbolize how their voices have been silenced, may I suggest you stop talking for a moment and pay special attention to “Hey!” There is a message just for you!