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After losing homes, Public Storage auctions off the contents

If things were not bad enough for millions of Americans on the edge, another kick in the pants has now reared it’s ugly head.

Republicans deferring 4000 flag draped caskets and a trillion dollars of our money to Iraq. The Republican concept of self regulation causing millions to get thrown out of their homes and afraid to drive further than the the convenience store. Republican bootstrap ideology putting health care and college educations out of reach of millions of hard working Americans. And now a new insult to injury has reared its head.

One of the few industries that has benefited from the mortgage meltdown is the public storage industry. Overall industry stock is up 18% to 33% this year. There has also been correlating public auctions on the contents of storage units for the very people who went broke losing their homes and now cannot afford the storage fees.

Millions of Americans have kids in danger on the other side of the world, they can no longer afford to drive, they are losing their homes and now all their stuff. And come November most of them will vote Republican giving those who caused them all their problems 4 more years of making it all even worse for them. Why is that?

a) God
b) Guns
c) Negroes
d) Mexicans
e) Queers