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Andrew Breitbart says Palin is the next Oprah, the White House is beneath her

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As usual, I disagree with Breitbart completely, and my feelings don’t change when he says that the former half-term Alaska Gov. shouldn’t even consider a run for the big White House in 2012, "It’s beneath her," claims conservative opinion-head Breitbart.

On the contrary, I would dearly love to see her run! It sounds as if the B.Bart is planning to tag along in a management position if he can talk Sister Sarah into being the white, conservative Oprah Winfrey, because after all – he claims, that’s where the real power is. Oprah is no Dick Cavett, but I do believe that a certain amount of reading and interest in other people is involved in the sort of show he proposes, I’ve been wrong before – and standards are slipping.