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Arch Bishop of Canterbury Formally Un-invites Bishop Gene Robinson to Anglican Lambert Conference

Sometimes, though rarely, we witness a religious figure who does not express the dominate forms of intolerance, bigotry, hate and wholesale silliness inherent in the process, but someone who speaks as Christ would speak. This is seldom heard from religions, churches or denominations themselves, but rather from rebellious leaders within. Can you think of an examples of this happening say about 2000 years ago?  And what did that person get for it?  Oops! You see, that’s one of those things religion doesn’t like talking about, or even more so, doesn’t like thinking about. The less thinking the better it all comes out. Gay bishop Gene Robinson’s ‘sadness’ over sermon heckler

The Anglican Chruch is having their Lambeth Conference in London as they do every 10 years to discuss just where the 77 million-member Church is going. In the US we call it the Episcopal Church, you know the one that is Catholic Lite or Popeless Catholic. This year the whole thing is about the coming schism because of HOMOS!  Damn Homos anyway… Always… Hmm…. Well… Being homos!

New Hampshire Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson was formally uninvited by the Arch Bishop of Canterbury to attend the conference but went anyway. Robinson made some speeches on the outskirts of London where he was heckled and told he was going to Hell [you know, what most people in most religions most like thinking about, the other guy going to Hell]. Anyway here is what Robinson said about the issue just the other day in England. 

"My agenda is this, what does the church’s treatment of gay and lesbian people say about God? You’ve got all these people talking about gays and lesbians being an abomination before God. Does that make you want to run out and go to an Anglican church and sing God’s praises?" Bishop Gene Robinson

Well spoken. But here in Texas calling Homos "abominations" not only causes praises to God, but the celebration of bigotry is often accompanied by shooting our guns in the air to compliment the singing.