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Arizona Republican Jan Brewer makes Sarah Palin Death Panel myth real

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Those were the days for the GOP/Tea Party. Gone are the days when they could rally a majority who believed that the President was a foreigner and a Muslim (synonymous with terrorist), and some even thought he was the anti-Christ. Some still believe the old myths, though their ranks are thinning.

The one real crowd-grabber the GOP could rely upon was the often used pre-health care reform label, "Death Panels." Shudder! Sarah Palin was especially fond of using that Democratic boogie man. If the Democrats passed health care reform it meant that treatment would be refused to those who needed it the most, and grandma, well – she was out on an ice floe. Perhaps this is all why it’s so sick and ironic that Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona is the one who is- in actuality, implementing death panels.
Republican cuts in Medicaid REAL Death Panels

Today we meet yet another of those who has been refused life-saving treatment, and we see a callous Jan Brewer unaffected by their suffering or the point-blank questions of a reporter who holds a mirror to her Grinch-like face.