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Arlen Spector suffers Eternal Damnation and President Obama win a Town Hall Meeting

The morning began in Pennsylvania with Arlen Spector being threatened with eternal damnation! An eternity in Hell… For… What seems to be just general principles.

I also could not help put notice that now a few were most terrible upset over perhaps having some part of their tax money going to pay for non citizen health care.  Spector answered repeatedly that he would never vote for such a horrible thing. We must keep in mind that Senator Spector was a Republican a few days ago.

The more than obvious response to that statement is to ask that person what they think should be done with a non citizen who gets run over by truck. [You see I know what the answer to that will be having spent some part of most days over the past 30 years reading the foul dark ascii of the Republican soul in forums, debates, areas and email pass-a-rounds.]

After the person proudly shares their foul dark answer to that question the response should be to ask them for their name because their answer will soon be running in a loop on CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, ABC, CBS and we want to be sure to get their name right.

As to the President’s appearance at his Town Hall Meeting in  New Hampshire, what can yhou say. He did a very good job this afternoon and once again caused many of us to tear up seeing an ARTICULATE and intelligent President speak to us like adults.

The real question regarding health care should be.

Should health care be a matter of profit?

And if one thinks it should be, they should leave their address as to which level of Hell they are from.