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Arming Muslim rebels Catch 22

arming muslim rebels catch 22

It’s seems no matter which group we choose, they are going to be fundamentalist religious believers who have little if any problems with beheadings, public executions, stoning women, lopping off body parts, crawling on their knees five times a day, going to Heaven for killing infidels, keeping women in black bags and of course their main mission, wiping Jews off the face of the Earth.

Here in America we are not even allowed to connect ISIS or any of the violence in the Middle East to the word RELIGION. We are required, as a God Fearing nation ourselves, to call it SECTARIANISM. No, it’s RELIGION. Which has been the seat of ignorance, arrogance, greed, bigotry, torture, war and violence since Abraham thought it a good idea to slit his son’s throat because God says so. PLEASE REMOVE THAT STORY FROM THE BIBLE. IT IS THE WORST STORY EVER TOLD. BAR NONE. Hello! There is no last minute voice to say HOLD IT! ONLY JOKING. Ask ISIS or Andrea Yates.

ISIS has now gone from 10,000 to 50,000 and growing. Both Kris Kristofferson and Janis Joplin let us know 45 years ago that freedom means nothing left to lose. So how many young Muslim men are there in the world who have nothing left to lose?  With no hope. 100 million? 200 million? Join up with a promise to take care of their families and actually believing that killing and murdering will get them into Heaven with 72 clothless virgins. How could anyone possible believe such insane crap?  RELIGION. PARENTS. PROFIT PROPHETS.

I am sure others have come up with PROFIT PROPHETS before but it came new to me today! Would religion even exist if the money were removed?