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Arthur Laffer says GOP may win 47 states in general election!

“I would be surprised if the Republicans don’t take 45, 46, 47 states out of the 50, I mean, I think we’re going to landslide this election, when I look at these candidates, I don’t see one of them who wouldn’t do a great job as president! Hillary’s day is over,” Father fo Supply-side economist Arthur Laffer.

Laffer says GOP may win 47 states in general electionSo there you have it. May as well not bother to vote, the GOP has it wrapped up no matter who the nominee, how lafferable.

Arthur Laffer must be in a contest with William Kristol to see who can be more wrong about more things than anyone else alive.

And this just after I spent a day reading how Republican leaders across the board fear that if either Trump or Cruz is the nominee that not only will the GOB lose this election with embarrassing numbers similar to the 1964 Goldwater debacle , but would also change the GOP into a popular nationalist party.