The picture above is just one expression of who and what our Gun Culture represents. But even more telling about their intellect is the stink they are making about a NY newspaper publishing the names and addresses of those with concealed carry permits.
The White House petition – petition meaning signing your name to a document that can be verified – has now reached 68,000 signatures. Those who sign this petition to deport Piers Morgan’s freedom of speech for telling the truth that Larry Pratt is a piece of crap, are the most rabid, extremist, nutcakes in America. And proudly so!
You see the issue?
Volunteering your private info as a certified gun crazy moron – to the ATF, the FBI, and local police – while at the same time complaining about a newspaper publishing names of people with gun permits.
The thing is YOU can see the issue while they do not have the intellectual capacity to see it.