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Bachmann the perfect candidate, Santorum Global Warming is a HOAX, Chris Mathews

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We now know that it is not wise or fruitful to interview Michele Bachmann if your intention is to get her opinion on the current GOP front-runners. In lieu of razor sharp anualysis, Bachmann used the occasion to let the U.S.A. know she IS the perfect candidate, and it’s just too bad that we let her slip through our fingers. She’ll be just fine, but woe unto us. Oh, and here’s your silly promise ring back, America!

Global Warming has been accused of being many things. It takes Rick Santorum to see it as an absurdity, and "A political hoax!" For a hoax devised by President Obama, the weather has been bizarre. Chris Matthews mentioned that it was 55 degrees in Washington D.C. today. Many parts of the country that regularly see snow, are instead seeing spring, and Seattle resident’s socks are frozen to their Birkenstocks. This is no hoax Santorum!

RJ Adds: Just heard a piece on NPR (OMG) that the major seed companies in America are having to pay a lot to have all their seed packages redesigned and printed to change those region graphs on the back to reflect a 5 degree warming. So anyone hear that story on TV anywhere? Only on Republican reviled PUBLIC RADIO, who are listening to the truth from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck…