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Bad Jew Michael Savage Calls for National Party with Charismatic leader

Michale Savage bad jew

I suppose the first thing I have to say is Rush Limbaugh is a bad Christian. So with that issue out of the way…

Michael Savage is syndicated on 400 stations making Savage Nation the 2nd most listened to talk radio show in America. You can listen to him in most markets live at 8pm CST.

I don’t believe I have to actually say it, so here are some hints that will give you the opportunity to say it for yourself.  First off let’s remember the quote that got him tossed off MSNBC:

“Oh, so you’re one of those sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig; how’s that? Why don’t you see if you can sue me, you pig? You got nothing better to do than to put me down, you piece of garbage? You got nothing to do today? Go eat a sausage, and choke on it. Get trichinosis. Now do we have another nice caller here who’s busy because he didn’t have a nice night in the bathhouse who’s angry at me today? Put another, put another sodomite on….no more calls?…I don’t care about these bums; they mean nothing to me. They’re all sausages.”

So now you understand his personality – or what Rush Limbaugh would call the character of the man.  Michael Savage became famous under the name Michael Wiener for his infomercials selling his homemade health products. His family still does sell that crap which is one of his biggest advertisers for his show. He claims degrees and great knowledge in health and medical issues as you can see from this quote.

“Now, the illness du jour is autism. You know what autism is? I’ll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what autism is.”

Under the liberal Gordon Brown in 2009 Savage was banned from entering Great Britain for his world leadership in promoting racism, bigotry and hate speech. Conservative Prime minister David Cameron renewed the ban.  Here is a little of the why of that:

“They say, ‘Oh, there’s a billion of them.’ I said, ‘So, kill 100 million of them, then there’ll be only 900 million of them.’

The other day he got King David mixed up with someone else:

“Somebody has to bring them [Tea Party] all together, unite them like King David did the ancient tribes of Israel. And there is no King David out there. Who’s the King David? Tell me who is going to do it?”

Get that 1933 ringing in your ears yet?  Savage says his politics revolve around three issues, ENGLISH ONLY, CLOSE IMMIGRATION, and THE RENEWAL AMERICAN CULTURE. That last one is about NEGROES. He calls himself a “Conservative Nationalist.” He wants a new NATIONALIST PARTY, explaining the Tea Party is too liberal, too weak and too beholding to the GOP. He calls Speaker of the House Boehner “a drunk”  and an “appendage of the Democrat machine.” What the Tea Party needs a STRONG CHARISMATIC LEADER that will knock some sense into America.

Ring a bell anyone?

Over 10 million listeners a week… Gosh…