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Barack Obama, Too Smart and Too Black to Win, The Bradley Effect

I believe a feisty White woman could easily beat McCain/Palin by double digits come this November 4th. Though it seems Democrats chose to believe Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity that one particular feisty White woman was unelectable. Why any sane person would believe anything Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity has to say is way way beyond my meager intellect. And now it seems we are in deep trouble with what should be a double digit Democratic lead as an election toss up. 

Choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain put Jesus Christ and God himself on his ticket.  In the debate Friday night McCain trumped up with the flag, patriotism, country, service and our troops. While Barack Obama gave us a college lecture with so many missed opportunities I turned it off. What a disappointment. Nothing memorable while failing to STAMP Republican Party on McCain’s forehead, or to dumb it down, way down.

People don’t like hearing this from either end of the political spectrum, but MOST intelligent American voters believe The Flintstones are more real than The Origin of Species. And that is not just a denial of evolution, it is also a denial of common sense, reason and  reality, not to even mention Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Cosmology, Paleontology, Archeology to name just a fewologies.

But most importantly McCain has every racist in America going to pull his lever. Though John McCain consistently and loudly voted against a Martin Luther King holiday he did say he was sorry this year. I know I know, racism is a thing of the past in America. Well let me say just his one thing on that. BULLFKINGSHT! What planet are they from? Gosh… 

I am seeing a number now on the Bradley Effect, which is somewhere between 5 and 15 points in polling errors. 6 points seems to be the specific number I am seeing in relation to this election. 

The Bradley Effect was named after the 1982 failure of Los Angeles Black Mayor Tom Bradley in his bid for Governor. Pre election and exit polls showed him an easy winner but George Keukmejian beat him by 1.2 points. A 6 point error in the polls.

In 1983 Harold Washington was ahead 14 pionts in the polls for the Mayor of Chicago and won by only 4 pionts. A 10 point error in the polls.

In 1992 Black New York Mayor David Dinkins had a double digit lead in pre election and exit polls and won by only 2 points. A 10 point error in the polls.

Also in 1992 Black Virgina candidate Douglas Wilder was 15 points ahead in the pre election and exit polls and won by only 7000 votes. A 14 point error in the polls.

In 1978 Massachusetts’ Black US Senator Edward Brooke was 8 points ahead in election night polls and lost by 10 points to Paul Tsongas. An 18 point error in the polls.

Or course many like to blame polling in general for these errors but come on. Politicians and the media don’t shell out billions of dollars for crap. And anyone who has taken that horribly hard and boring 5 credit course called Statistics knows better. I know, I had to take it twice.

White people LIE about their racism, not only to pollsters but everyone else as well. Well not so much here in Dumbutt, Texas and the rest of the South where people are a bit more honest and while denying they aret racists, readily admit they don’t like ni***ers. But since the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act of 1964 and 1965 the Southern States (and Idaho) have been locked into White Republicanism so they don’t matter. But in every swing state there are enough of them to throw the election to McCain on race alone. Though I have heard that there is a chance in Hell that Virginia and North Carolina have had enough Yankees infiltrate over the years that they may possibly break away from the Old Confederacy (and Idaho).   

So come November 3rd, Obama has to be at least 7 points ahead to squeak through this by one point.

And once again, because of having a Fundamentalist Bimbo on the GOP ticket, we are going to get that same activist turnout of certifiable morons in the swing states who gave us George W. Bush. Twice. Sorry about the BIMBO… Hmmn… Ya know its W that is the Bimbo which would make Sarah Palin a Bimba. Right?

My point is to make yall understand that the only way we can win this thing is by getting out the vote. It is too late for rhetoric and debate to make a differnce. It is all about turnout in the swing states. So please, on November 4th get everyone you can in your car, or rent a school bus – at the point of a gun if necessary – to go vote. Call Jesse Jackson for help if necessary. You can say what you will about Mr. Jackson, but calling out the vote has been his primary business his entire life. He knows something about it.