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Beck attacks Dr. Martin Luther King who stood in union solidarity in Memphis April 4, 1968

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It’s a classic moment when Glenn Beck feigns genuine surprise. "Dr. King lost his life for collective bargaining for the public union. Really? We have to update our history books, because I didn’t know that!" Hold on, it isn’t truly a case of awakening, Beck will bring it back to a purely racial issue – something it isn’t, as Ben Jealous of the NAACP and Ed Shultz discuss.

As it happens, that is exactly why Dr. King was in Memphis on that fateful April 4th, to walk with striking workers, he understood the plight of the working class when there are no guarantees of safety or of decent wages, and the vital connection between the latter and equality, be you black, white, or any color of the rainbow. There is no middle class without workers rights to unionize, and that is why Dr. King would be standing beside the Wisconsin workers and the others who will gather in solidarity on this April 4th. Not everyone is as arrogant as multi-millionaire ignoramus Glenn Beck.

It seems Dr. Beck may be leaving Fox News in December for greener pastures (you know with all that natural fertilizer) to follow Oprah with a cable channel empire of his own. Glenn Beck Contemplates Starting Own Channel