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Bernard Madoff Still Alive, photos

Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, 65, was found sitting at his desk at about 8 a.m. with both wrists slashed, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said. A box cutter was found on the floor along with a bottle of sleeping pills on his desk. No suicide note was found. NYPD: Madoff investor commits suicide in office

hammerThankfully it was not a messy shot to the head, though it does lack the historic hook many of us are looking for.

Some are saying today’s bankers do not have the conscience of mind their Great Depression counterparts enjoyed upon us.

In defense of today’s New York finance movers and shakers, there were no high rise buildings during the worst (or best) of the jumping. Today the unprepared have no way of opening a window in these buildings. Wind shear that high can cause a fall before one is ready.

Though rather expensive, this hefty hammer can do the job. If pounding on the glass fails, the backside can by used to dig out whatever weather stripping may be holding the entire unit in. The extra expense should not be that much of an issue under the circumstances.

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