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Big Names come to Speak at Glenn Becks White Christian rally

"In Dr. Johnson’s famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer I beg to submit that it is the first." Ambrose Bierce

The list of speakers may be small, but they are on everyone’s hot list!
Beck Rally speaker slide show

Sarah Palin! (Evangelical Christian)
St Louis Cardinals Manager Tony La Russa! (Tea Party and Arizona SB1070 supporter)
St Louis Cardinals pitcher Albert Pujols! (Evangelical Christian)
Marcus Luttrell! (Liberal hating Christian Navy Seal)
Alveda King (Pro Life, anti-Gay activist niece of MLK)
Music  provided by Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University Choir! (Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian)

Beck and organizers say this is not political! No politics! It’s all about the troops! Kinda like a hybrid of that Fox News balance, Martin Luther King’s Dream Speech and Woodstock! 

So what politicians and celebrities have added their names to this Nuremberg rally?
To give you an idea of just how acidic that is…  EVEN Ted Nugent declined.