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Bill Maher Monologue, Immigration, Nov 21 2014

If you like your gardener you can keep your gardener

bill maher monologueThe new laws deny most everything but deportation to about half the illegal immigratants here, so Obama is being like a half and a whole rather than a total a whole the Republicans are.

This thing has more emotions and politics behind it than reality. Bill makes a good point that I took notice of long ago driving cab. Carrying the groceries in for black welfare moms behind and above the sofas were portraits of MLK, JFK, RFK and LBJ. There households.  Pictures of the Pope, the Virgin and Obama in every room…

I do have one problem with all this. If I were a illegal immigrant in good standing to the laws, why would I come in to the system knowing this is a temporary executive order that the Republicans are going to everything they can do to destroy. What happens to me thing as everyone knows who I am and where I live ect… I dunno if this will work as well as we think.

Can anyone name any Republican policy or issue that does not have “we are a wholes” written into it?