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Bill Maher Monologue, Santorum Pandemic of Porn! March 16 2012

Maher is playing it down some as the Party of Torquemada is all over him whenever the words "Rush" or "Limbaugh" come up. Rush Limbaugh, the voice of the GOP, calling a coed private citizen a slut and a prostitute who should send him videos of her having sex, is the SAME and NO DIFFERENT than Bill Maher, a standup calling celebrity women ts and cs. OMG.

But it is okay to equate the two because Bill Maher is the voice of the Democratic Party!  

You see, as is the case in most Republican arguments, they make their case upon a whopper of a lie. It is the nature of the Beast. Besides, Maher did not put the most heinous attack on women, WHORE, into the description of Sarah Palin and all women like her.

There it is again. Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut and a prostitute is a lie. A big fat lie. While Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a T, a C, or a B may not be nice, but it’s true.