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Bill Maher Monologue, Second Presidential debate Obama wins, Oct 19 2012

[jwplayer file=”https://rackjite.com/videos/mp4s/mahermono10192012.mp4″ image=”https://rackjite.com/videos/mahermono.jpg”]

Fund and Boris on Bill MaherThe panel this week was far different than usual.  It was DOMINATED by two very white overweight Right-wing A-holes could barely fit at the table. Inside their Republican bubble they shouted down and crowded out the small brownish liberal woman from MSNBC. Inside their Republican Bubble they were so loud, animated and obnoxious  that even Maher could not control them.

One was John Fund, you remember, the guy who actually wrote Rush Limbaugh’s first best seller, The Way Things Ought to BE and is now most famous as the spokesman for VOTER ID laws. Even larger and taking up even more space was some Right-wing activist from the world of business reporting, Boris Epshteyn, who, though seemingly impossible, came off ven more disgusting than John Fund .

I am sure it was a lesson for Maher, over 500 pounds of Right-wing rancid pork is just too much for his show.