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Bill Maher Racist Drudge Report

Real Time with Bill Maher is the only uncensored political show IN THE WHOLE WORLD!

The only show where the truth can be told in colorful language without any beeping. Well other than saying soldiers who send bombs and drones to kill other soldiers by joystick from Las Vegas is not the stuff of heroes. Even Bill Maher learned his lesson on that one. Me too. HOW BRAVE!  And as the best non fiction seller being of late being SNIPER, we had better not go there. After all, shooting someone in the head from a mile away while they are having coffee is what American Exceptionalism is all about.  And please, no sarcasm!  Oh, I almost forgot, there is nothing JEWISH about NEOCONS!

American politics is driven my race and religion, which is why we are THE EXCEPTION!

matt drudge racism bill maher