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Bill Maher, The Family, Christian Fundamentalist takeover of the US Military

It’s far worse than anyone thought. For years we have been hearing about our home grown Taliban infiltrating the Air Force Academy, and causing cultural angst in both Iraq and Iran with military leaders allowing the distribution of Christian Bibles and literature to Muslims by our troops. But The Family written by Harper’s Journalist Jeff Sharlet opens wide the door to the who, where and why of this group who feed the powerful rather than as the gospels suggest, feed the powerless. The Family, a Review

Family leader Doug Coe keeps a low profile though we do see his hand at work as The Family quietly sponsors those congressional morning prayer meeting we so often here of. It is not only a function of promoting religious intolerance and educational ignorance, but to push "biblical capitalism" to relieve taxes on the wealthy and to specifically destroy all things New Deal. Also like the Neo Cons, they promote American world domination through war and economic force.

But the real story is that this book came out well over a year ago and no one has paid it any nevermind – and only now on late night pay cable show.

It gains no attention because here in America disparaging religion WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Raising a finger against religion in this land is a losing proposition for every politician and every facet of the mainstream media.

A very recent article by Newscat attached to this issue

Scary Hitler Based C Street Family Uses Tax Dollars to Undermine Government, Spread Political Theocracy Worldwide.