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Bill Maher presents the New Barbies!

Isis Barbie with Bill MaherBarbie is in trouble you see, so Mattel must compensate with a new more topical set of Barbie dolls. I always wondered what would happen if we gave girls GI JOE and boys BARBIE. Would everyone turn gay?  Would we allow men in combat?  Would women grow balls?

If boys and girls were raised with no parents on a desert island there would be no sexism and or religion and what then? I just noticed that those two things are about as connected as things get.  What is it that not only Islam but also American Christianity is most upset about?  Abortion – women.  Birth control – women. Keeping knees together – women. Porn – women. Prostitution – women. Lesbians and men acting like women. The kicker of course is that women are the major suckups to religion. What a mess.

What mess Catholicism is hey?  So much about THE VIRGIN, and MARY MOTHER OF GOD, and her likeness with bleeding heart and halos and the second most important prayer.  With it coming in second behind Islam.