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Bill O’Reilly, Equality is an opium laced dream, Stephen Colbert

“I have an opium laced dream!” Martin Luther King August 1963

bill oreilly equalityThis crap from Bill O’Reilly is the perfect example of how Republicans game the words for their audience who are too old to think.

The fight for equality has nothing to do with physical or mental abilities and everything to do with equality UNDER THE LAW YOU NITWITS.

Even the recent push by President Obama and Pope Frances regarding economic equality is not about making everyone or anyone economically equal, it is to call attention to capitalism gone so far over the top that more and more people are left living on the edge, or left behind causing more and more economic, family and community failure. As history tells us so well, there is a tipping point when it goes too far causing street violence, coups, civil wars and revolutions.