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Bill O’Reilly praises FBI entrapment of Oregan Bomber Boy

Here is another example of how we as a both a nation and a people so profoundly differ at the very core of our being.

A father tells authorities that his college freshman son is becoming more radical in his views on Islam. The FBI contacts him pretending to be a terrorist group, sets him up inside a fake cell, hands him $3000 in cash, creates a plan for him, backup and escape, gives him the bomb and a cell phone to detonate it with and when he pushes the fake buttons they arrest him and proceed to put him in jail for the rest of his life. For a crime they created.

To the Fox News, talk radio, Tea Party, conservative, Republican Bill O’Reilly crowd that is LAW & ORDER. That is RULE OF LAW! That is to be praised and promoted as the right thing to do WHILE they all wet their pants, scream and holler about the evil government intruding into our lives. The could care less what the government does so long as it stays out of their back pocket.

On the other side this is seen as more than mere entrapment, this is the actual creation of a crime. The very thing a truly intrusive government does.

And WE are told over and over again that me must stop the angst, halt the arguing, no more name calling and all just get along with these rancorous heaps of Republican fascist fecal matter! !! !!!