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Boy defends gay mom to Bigots Bachmann & Santorum with Patton Oswalt

Apologies for the sound glitches, but the story is still easy to follow.
It’s a shame that they edited the first few seconds of this video. Michele Bachmann had been kissing babies and greeting young and old with sweetness and light. The light went out and her eyes rolled up when this brave little boy stepped up to defend his mommy on this, possibly the most ironic of Bachmann’s fondly held beliefs.

Keith and comedian Patton Oswalt also discuss Rick Santorum, who unphased by becoming a household name – thanks to gay rights advocate Dan Savage, continues to wail about ‘The Children!’ Santorum claims that if LGBT people are allowed to marry; school health classes will become a hotbed of sexual information. What? Let’s pretend gay marriage is related to curriculum. As I recall, schools weren’t a source of information on the heterosexual mechanics of sex. In truth, the kids are likely to hear much more about bestiality and gay sex from Rick Santorum than anywhere. Fortunately kids aren’t much interested in self-serving right-wing windbags or politics in general.

RJ Adds:  Rick Santorum is reaching new levels of scumbaggery these days using his very sick 3 year old little girl to claim Obamacare will kill her. His reasoning is of course, FAITH BASED. He claims that SOME PEOPLE in SOME COUNTRIES with SOCIALIZED MEDICINE have said that little children like his daughter are left to die in the street.

There are two WHOPPERS in his insane swill other than the SOME PEOPLE SAY crap.

Obamacare is run by PRIVATE INSURANCE so is not Socialized Medicine, and it specifically calls for insurance companies to cover just this kind of thing, it is the POINT of it. The system we have now is does all it can to deny such children coverage. It’s where their PROFIT comes from. As you may have heard, santorum is the sloppy residue left over from anual intercourse. Which is too kind a description for this silly wabbit.

Anyone who would deny gay couples the same rights as everyone else IS A BIGOT. Their only argument to that can be that BIGOTRY is good. Which that and selfishness is the whole point to the success of Rush Limbaugh, talk radio and Fox News. They make bigots feel good about themselves. It is the same reason many of us may tune in Jerry Springer on occasion. The show makes us feel good about how much smarter we are than everyone on that stage. A false sense of well being.