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Brit Hume advises Tiger, Christianity vs Buddhism, sexpert Dan Savage, Don Imus comment

There are millions of lovely people of all religious denominations,non-believers, and those with an open mind. Do we hear from them, no. We hear from the loudest, and most idiotic of every belief system…enter Brit Hume. You are guaranteed a roll in the aisle when Brit Hume discloses his entire knowledge of Buddhism as he encourages Tiger to gain his old life back, and we learn from Dan Savage why
Christianity, as practiced by Hume is the perfect religion for wife dumping politicos.

By the way, Brit Hume’s advice was completely unsolicited. Man of the world that he is, he’s assessed Tiger’s situation, and knows just the cure. Hume comments that "Tiger is said to be a Buddhist..I don’t think that faith offers the kind of
forgiveness and redemption offered by the Christian faith." Thanks to Dan Savage we know just what Brit means about the flexible faith as practiced by Hume. Thanks to – of all people, Don Imus, we learn a great deal more about Buddhism than…..Brit Hume, for one.