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Cartoon: Glenn Beck hears from Jesus, Toles

The problem with this cartoon is that neither Tom Toles or the New York Times are allowed to disparage Christianity. It is just not allowed in this country by either politicians, the media or any business. IT WILL NOT BE TOLE RATED! It is not done. Far too many votes and sales of Twinkies are at stake to go anywhere near it.  

The caption from Jesus should have said… Glenn I understand you represent the prevailing Christian beliefs of those at the rally, those in the Tea Party and the majority of Americans who believe "PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP" means "to hell with GOOD DEEDS" – ONLY personal BELIEF matters. As Pastor Beck explains over and over and over again, good deeds come only from socialism, communism, Marxism, liberalism and Progressives who are in bed with Satan. Which is a disgusting self centered religion created specifically for disgusting self centered people.

It is what is missing from not only this cartoon but from the national discussion as well. The corruption, the bastardization of Christianity as the central core of selfish, callous, intolerant and violent Right-wing politics is shameful. Hopefully so many turning religion so ugly will cause those coming up will once and for all reduce it to the intellectual game it happens to be. Imagine…  Kick! The religion pages.