[Some Chrome users may have to click the title to reload to play CNN videos] The last we saw of Harold Camping was a day…
Collect the most poop and win! It’s a long way from Yahtzee folks. (a game I personally despise) I only regret that there are no…
[Some Chrome users may have to click the title to reload CNN videos] Seventy two days of wedded bliss and what do you get? If…
This morning I cannot yet find his acceptance speech where he dresses down his "lippy" wife with her "big mouth". Find it if you can!
Shouldn’t this have been done with women models?
[Some IE users may have to click link at the bottom of Onion videos to watch] What dark kinship is this? The Onion has made…
And what would one do with a storage unit full of dildos?
Hot Larry King! And an even hotter Stephen Hawkings! Seems Bill Maher got jobs for some of his girl friends…
Flight Attendants UCBcomedy.com Watch more comedy videos from the twisted minds of the UCB Theatre at UCBcomedy.com That’s right. Sit down, shut up and strap…
Did you ever wonder where Candy Corn comes from? How has it has survived for so many generations when it seems that so few people…
What started as a routine traffic stop turned into a chase which reached 110 mph, and covered over seven miles, but the police had a…
After accepting the coveted Mark Twain award, Will Ferrell sends out letter of thanks to Larry David, Sarah Silverman, Amy Poehler, Zach Galifianakis, Eva Mendes,…
The queen came to visit Brisbane and see the after-effects of the flooding. What she saw instead was a full moon where it shouldn’t be…
The life-sized cardboard cut-outs that you see in stores and movie theater lobbies have achieved their goal of blending in and appearing to be real…
The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive After being constantly bombarded by the Jimmy Fallon credit card ads…